About the Central Narcotics Bureau: Singapore Against Drugs

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  • Sienna: tbg-sienna

The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) is Singapore’s law enforcement agency in the fight against drugs.

Anti-Drug Strategy

CNB adopts a multi-pronged approach in its fight against drugs. Tough and vigorous drug law enforcement remains fundamental to CNB’s approach towards drug control. While stemming the supply of drugs in Singapore through intensive enforcement operations, CNB continues with its upstream efforts in the prevention of drug abuse through a myriad of platforms, including exhibitions and anti-drug talks, and high-profile events, such as the annual Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign. Together with its partners and key stakeholders, such as the National Council Against Drug Abuse, CNB continues to reach out to engage and educate youths and their parents on the dangers of drug abuse and its severe consequences.

The enforcement action against drug abusers is made effective because the law allows for drug abusers to be committed immediately to drug rehabilitation centres for treatment, thus preventing them from continuing their drug abuse and from contaminating others. The law also provides for appropriate punishment to be meted out to recalcitrant abusers. In addition, the law provides for harsh deterrent penalties for drug traffickers.

Misuse of Drugs Act

The main legislation for drug offences is the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA). The act lists out controlled drugs which are prohibited in Singapore. The MDA also lists out the offences involving controlled drugs and substances in relation to trafficking, manufacturing, importation or exportation, possession and consumption.

The Misuse of Drugs Act was amended in July 1998 to control the manufacture, supply and possession of precursor chemicals as well as provide regulations on the import, export and transhipment of these chemicals. There are currently 24 controlled substances listed under the Third Schedule of the Misuse of Drugs Act. To prevent the diversion of chemicals, companies are required to apply for a CNB permit to import, export and tranship controlled substances for commercial purposes. This is in the form of an e-service ‘Permit Administration and ConTROL’ or ‘PATROL’ System available on CNB website.

The Intoxicating Substances Act

The main legislation for inhalant offences is the Intoxicating Substances Act (INSA). The act spells out the offences involving intoxicating substances in relation to inhaling, supplying or offering to supply. Inhalant abusers may be placed under supervision up to a year or be committed to an approved centre for treatment and rehabilitation between 6 to 12 months.

The list of drugs and inhalants controlled under the MDA and INSA include:

Data derived from the Central Narcotics Bureau website. For more in-depth information, visit the Central Narcotics Bureau website at

Central Narcotics Bureau
Blk B, Police Cantonment Complex
393 New Bridge Road
Singapore 088763
Tel: +65 63256666
Fax: +65 62273978
Website: www.cnb.gov.sg

Read 14307 times Last modified on Thursday, 18 December 2014 12:00